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MT in Atlas

Chapter details

The machine translations in Atlas allow to translate and add content to the content items in iPublisher and iViewer. Currently the available languages to translate from/to are: English, Bulgarian, German, Polish, Greek and Romanian.

Integration in iViewer

The machine translation functionality in iViewer is integrated in the content item details dialog via a translation widget. In the latter the user defines which combinations of languages are allowed for the given content item. The widget allows the user to translate the properties of the content item as well as the text mining excerpts such as named entites, importand phrases and summary.

Integration in iPublisher

The machine translation functionality in iPublisher allows the user to automatically fill in the content of multilingual content items(as long as they have content in the default language).

MT Providers

There are three providers of machine translation in the system:

-google – uses the google translation api(

-itranslate4eu – uses the itranslate4eu translation api(

-moses – uses moses as a translation engine(

The configuration of the first two providers is very similar. They are both paid services, which require a server url and a security token. Moses on the other hand is an open-source tool – implementation of the statistical approach to machine translation (MT). A separate Moses installation is required for each supported language pair(there can be more than one installation for the same pair).


The workflow for machine translation is very similar for the three providers. First, a translation request is sent to an automatic translation service(a class which implements the com.tetracom.atlas.translation.api.service.IAutomaticTranslationService interface). The translation request consists of a source language, a target language and text to be translated. Afterwards a list of existing translations is retrieved from the database. This list contains all translations from previous requests. Finally, if the translation is not already in the database, it is retrieved from the given provider and returned. In the last case the new translation is also stored in the database.